Maintenance in Illinois is payment that the court orders one person in a couple to make to the other person when that couple separates or divorces. This was formally called alimony. During the process of determining alimony / maintenance, the judge is tasked with balancing each spouse’s financial contributions during the marriage with their needs after the divorce.
Provided they change as a consequence of decisions the couple made as a married unit, maintenance in Illinois can be modified or eliminated as the former spouses' needs change. Awards and increases in maintenance are intended solely to address needs that are caused by the divorce itself. The purpose of maintenance laws in Illinois is to avoid any unfair economic consequences of a divorce. Maintenance is decided on a case by case basis by the judge, or by each side coming to an agreement.
A good Will County alimony lawyer you a major advantage in your alimony in Illinois case. Each Joliet alimony lawyer at Bretz, Flynn & Associates knows how to approach Illinois alimony law in order to leverage the details of each client’s situation to get the best possible results. Our team’s expertise comes from extensive experience in law and knowledge of alimony law Illinois. We investigate financial histories, question witnesses, and have private investigators gather additional evidence to ensure the best preparation before going to court and fighting for your rights.
Give us a call today at (815) 740-1545 to find out how our alimony lawyers can help you with your case.