In a divorce case, if the spouses have children together while married, the parents have joint guardianship over that child and the parental rights are equal. Each parent has an equal right to the custody of the child when they separate. It is up to the court to determine the home in which the child should reside the majority of the time, and ideally the court makes this decision based on the best interests of the child.
Like any other system, the legal system is not perfect, and mistakes can be made even with the best of intentions. Your chances in a child custody case improve vastly when you work with a Joliet child custody attorney.
Regardless of whether you are seeking exclusive custody or joint custody, the child custody lawyers at Bretz, Flynn & Associates in Joliet will represent your interest with great precision and the utmost care. Your child custody attorney will interview you to obtain every detail of your case and access every resource at their disposal to help sway the results in your favor.
As part of determining the best interest of the child, the court takes into account issues including the wishes of the child and the child’s parents, the child’s relationship with each parent, siblings, the mental and physical health of the involved parties and the child’s comfort in the home and surrounding community. The parent who is granted custody holds a significant amount of power over the child’s welfare and future. This individual can control decisions pertaining to the child's education, religious upbringing and health care.
Make sure the care of your child is in the right hands by working with a Will County child custody attorney with a proven track record for success. Call Bretz, Flynn & Associates today at (815) 740-1545.